Local Rules

To be read in conjunction with rules of golf:


  1. Preferred lies of one club length may be taken on the closely mown surface of fairway being played.
  2. Out of bounds areas - outside the perimeter fence; over the kerb line of the carpark and entry road; over the white post line bordering the clubhouse the greenkeepers' shed. Penalty-stroke and distance (Rule 27).
  3. Immovable obstructions - all staked trees, sprinklers and man-made fixed objects are immovable obstructions and relief may be taken by dropping within one club length of the nearest point of relief (Rule 24-2).
  4. Ground under repair - any motor vehicle tracks are deemed under repair (Rule 25-1).
  5. Lateral water hazard - the lake beside the 7th hole is deemed to be a lateral water hazard and its margin is bordered by red stakes (Rule 26-1).
  6. Wrong putting green - a ball coming to rest on a putting green other than the one being played must be dropped of the green not nearer the hole without penalty.
  7. Bunkers-relief may be taken from unraked marks in bunkers, rake and place - no penalty.