Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for a breach of a Local Rule is the general penalty (two penalty strokes).


Event Special Local Rule for The Golf Collective
-- Preferred Lies on all Closely Mown Areas --


  1. Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2) 

(i) Beyond any fence which defines the boundaries of the course.

(ii) Beyond any line of white stakes with black tops that indicates out of bounds. (LHS of 17th green & 18th fairway/Practice Fairway).


  1. Immovable Obstructions (e.g. Sprinkler Heads) Close to Putting Greens – Line of Play Interference

Rule 16.1b applies to immovable obstructions close to putting greens.  In addition to the types of interference described in Rule 16.1a, interference also exists with an immovable obstruction if all of the following is true:

  • It is on the player’s line of play, AND
  • It is within two club-lengths of the putting green, AND
  • It is within two club-lengths of the ball.

(Exception – There is no relief under this Local Rule if the player chooses a line of play that is clearly unreasonable.)


  1. Integral Objects

The following are integral objects from which free relief is not allowed:

  • Artificial retaining walls/liners when located in penalty areas.
  • All roads and paths which are not artificially surfaced.
  • Wood-chipped areas are integral objects unless the provisions of another local rule apply (individual woodchips are loose impediments).


  1. Abnormal Course Conditions, incl. Immovable Obstructions (Rule 16)
  1. Ground Under Repair
  1. Any area bounded by a continuous or dotted white line.
  2. Clearly defined wheel ruts.
  3. Washaways in bunkers and at the margins of bunkers.
  4. Ground affected by tree roots on surfaces cut to fairway height or less, or within two club-lengths of surfaces cut to fairway      height or less.
  5. Restriction on Relief from Stance on Animal Hole.  Rule 16.1 is modified in this way: Interference does not exist if the animal hole interferes with only the player’s stance.
  6. If a player's ball in the general area lies in or touches a seam of cut turf, or a seam interferes with the player's area of intended swing, the player may take relief under Rule 16.1b.  But interference does not exist if the seam only interferes with the player's stance.  All seams within the area of cut turf are treated as the same seam in taking relief.
  7. Kangaroo marks and their scratching’s, both in bunkers and in the general area, and interference restriction is as per in (vi) above.
  8. The turf nursery on the LHS of the 6th Tee is to be treated as ground under repair and relief must be taken. 


  1. Immovable Obstructions
  • Wooden Tee signs
  • The artificial surfaces and artificial edges or borders of roads and paths.


  1. No Play Zones – Staked Trees and/or Staked shrubs

Staked trees and staked shrubs (including the stake and any wrapping) are no play zones. If a player’s ball lies anywhere on the course other than in a penalty area and it lies on or touches such a tree or such a tree interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing, the player must take relief under Rule 16.1f. 


  1. Suspension of Play (Rule 5.7)

The following signals will be used to suspend and resume play:

  • Immediate stop for imminent danger (mark ball and proceed to shelter) – one prolonged note of a siren
  • Stop for a non-dangerous situation (remain in position on course) – three consecutive notes of a siren
  • Resumption of play – two consecutive notes of a siren